Thursday 25 September 2014

Pistol Boutique Review

The guys at Pistol Boutique were the first people to EVER ask me to review an item of clothing, and if it wasn't for signing up for The Blogger Programme they would never have found me. I chose this certain style shirt because its a slim fit; I'm an extremely skinny guy and these types looks so much better on me than normal fit, or baggy fit ones.. some normal tops looks like rubbish bags on me. Secondly, it's not a V neck but it's still pretty deep. I can't stand shirts that have shallow necks that feel like you're being strangled (although I know some people are into that kinda stuff) ANYWAY..As you can see the design is a concert crowd and the text reads "Take me to the noise". It's perfect considering I love music, bands, gigs and pretty much anything music related.

I took the shirt with me to Greece for a week before reviewing it just so I could get a feel for it, see how it went after being worn for a few days and I can tell you that in a 30 degree heat I did not sweat in it once. When I arrived home I had my mother wash it and the shirt came out exactly the same as when I opened it. No fading, no ink running, graphics perfect and no shrinking -- So all great there. 

As far as packaging is important I don't really have much to show you. It was small, basic and packed very well. There's not much needed for a single shirt. One thing I will point our though is this 'milk carton' type thing. I don't quite know what it's for but I liked it and thought it was cool anyway. I absolutely love the designs of the packaging and will probably keep them just because I think they look nice. Especially the gun label -- that ones my favourite. 

In conclusion to all of this I love everything about this product and the company, and highly recommend them if you're looking to purchase a lightweight, edgy shirt with a cool design.  I can say that I'm probably going to shop with them myself, I don't know about you.

Courtesy of Pistol Boutique 

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